Step on my foot, and ill break both your legs and ram them up your ass.

DO NOT DRINK AND DRIVE OR YOU MIGHT SPILL THE DRINK. :D Source: Collection of Cool WhatsApp Status


What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.

w0000w ashole u thnk dats funni? il kill u feggt. do u evn lift?

so just go wash it you dirty fucking piece of shit oh my fucking god its gonna rain fresh water all over my clean car is this some kind of fucking joke you are just a lazy fucking piece of shit and finding excuses to be a lazy peice of shit why shave youre hairs gonna grow back tomorrow why wash your fuckin dick shits just gonna get covered in pussy slime again tomorrow shut the fuck up and go wash your fucking truck or get the fuck off this website right fucking now

do u tink u cool now bud? lol get rekt n00b do u even mlg br0? il fukken 360 no scope ur a$$ dude. peace out dawg.

What did the white supremacist say to the Jew? "What's the time?"

Smoke Weed Every Day

Alright, I've had enough of your fucking bullshit. Seriously. I've read just as much, and talked to just as many people you stupid prick. Further, I never said that I could solve that problem only that I've worked on various systems meant to keep something like that from ever happening again. Go shove your self righteous bullshit straight up your fucking asshole. As you said, what happened there was basically a worst case scenario, and some failures were actually lucky. Like the failure of only one battery allowing the blind shear ram to be closed.

"If I ever see you on craiglist again...ever, I am going to make sure you never sell shit again online from the ass whooping I am going to give you. I am sick and tired of phaggots like you posting shit on craiglist and when it comes down to selling shit, you flake. So listen here ASSCLOWN. If I ever see you advertise one more thing on here, I am going to personally find you and beat the living shit out of you. I'm going to make sure you have a reason not to sell shit on craiglist ever again. You'll be in a wheelchair the rest of your life wondering where you went wrong. If I ever hear of you on better make sure you move states. Because if I find I said...I'll be sure to give you a reason to flake and not to make it to my doorstep with whatever it is you are selling ****.

"If I ever see you on craiglist again...ever, I am going to make sure you never sell shit again online from the ass whooping I am going to give you. I am sick and tired of phaggots like you posting shit on craiglist and when it comes down to selling shit, you flake. So listen here ASSCLOWN. If I ever see you advertise one more thing on here, I am going to personally find you and beat the living shit out of you. I'm going to make sure you have a reason not to sell shit on craiglist ever again. You'll be in a wheelchair the rest of your life wondering where you went wrong. If I ever hear of you on better make sure you move states. Because if I find I said...I'll be sure to give you a reason to flake and not to make it to my doorstep with whatever it is you are selling ****.

"If I ever see you on craiglist again...I'm going to make sure you never sell shit again online. I am sick and tired of phaggots like you posting shit on craiglist and when it comes down to selling shit, you flake. So listen here ASSCLOWN. If I ever see you advertise one more thing on here, I am going to personally find you and beat the living shit out of you. I'm going to make sure you have a reason not to sell shit on craiglist. You'll be in a wheelchair the rest of your life wondering where you went wrong. If I ever hear of you on better make sure you move states. Because if I find I said...I'll be sure to give you a reason not to make it to my doorstep with whatever it is you are selling ****.

"If I ever see you on craiglist again...I'm going to make sure you never sell shit again online. I am sick and tired of phaggots like you posting shit on craiglist and when it comes down to selling shit, you flake. So listen here ASSCLOWN. If I ever see you advertise one more thing on here, I am going to personally find you and beat the living shit out of you. I'm going to make sure you have a reason not to sell shit on craiglist. You'll be in a wheelchair the rest of your life wondering where you went wrong. If I ever hear of you on better make sure you move states. Because if I find I said...I'll be sure to give you a reason not to make it to my doorstep with whatever it is you are selling ****.

I saw you here after the Superbowl. You know I'm talking about Niner fans in general. Your entire fanbase is all mouth, and then once they lose the game, they're off hiding again, and bragging about their rings from the 1980's as if anyone other than Niner fans cares about that. It's like bragging about having all the New Kids on the Block albums on cassette. As to Stevie Johnson... great trade for the 49ers. No doubt about it. But the games are played during the season. And the 49ers haven't won anything. You all seem to forget who is the Reigning World Champions. Show some respect and save that little boy "yap yap" for the other puppies. This is Big Dog country right here. Y'all are nothin' but pups and you don't scare anyone in Seattle. We've watched the Niners yappin off at the gums for the last 3 years and do NOTHING. Your team isn't even man enough to admit when they get beat down. You haven't earned any respect, and your team is irrelevant to us. We own you. That is fact. Acquiring a great WR doesn't put you in our league. Winning a championship NOW puts you even with us. Until then, you all keep licking our boots and acting tough. It's good for a laugh.

If I ever see you on craiglist again...ever! I'm going to make sure you never sell shit again online. I am sick and tired of phaggots like you posting shit on craiglist and when it comes down to selling shit, you flake. So listen here ASSCLOWN. If I ever see you advertise one more thing on here, I am going to personally find you and beat the living shit out of you. I'm going to make sure you have a reason not to sell shit on craiglist. You'll be in a wheelchair the rest of your life wondering where you went wrong. If I ever hear of you on better make sure you move states. Because if I find I said...I'll be sure to give you a reason not to make it to my doorstep with whatever it is you are selling ****. The only things you'll be picking up are the pieces to the wheelchair you are going to be riding the rest of your life off craigslist.

One ma cuzins assosicated wif de lifestyle that pac wuz livin n he wuz in gangz all dat stupid shit duirn de time; what really happend in vegas that day wuz it wuznt orlando anderzons stupid uncle that did de hit; it wuz another batch of de cripz a nigga by de name of flow hoo wuz sittin in de passenger seat den de car raced down thru de right side of de street after de hit wuz dun deze niggaz seen newz report thought that pac wuznt gunna die n den dey got another batch of niggaz 2 call death-row tellin em pac guna get finisbhed off. after dey did de hit they thought pac uz gunna live n dey were scared truth wuz comin out, unfortunate pac didnt make it. the reazon 4 de hit wuz cuz of jealously n hate deze niggaz knew pac wuz at mGM grand thru orlando anderson gettin his ass whooped n they juz thought it wld b a perfect plot 2 take him dwn. ma cuzin iz frm da street n diz iz de real deal orlando anderson iz a fukin pussy dat pac blew out buh flow wuz de true shooter flow got popped 6 yearz ago dead.. de nigga dat shot pac pac didnt kno him n had no hate t0ward him it wuz jealouz fueled hit, n they got dere man. pacs been dead and diz iz de truth comin rii frm the streets.

Did I just write, that makes me your bitch? XD Best day ever. Hey any girls want me as their bitch? All you gotta do is let me pierce your sweet virgin ass with my PENIIIIIIIIIS!!!!!! Pussy is okay too, but not mouth, for blowjobs you gotta be at least three of you, you need to be hot, and fight over my cock like genuinely, like "HEY ITS MY TURN NOW! I WANT THE WHOLE OF IT! HEY! YOU SAID I COULD HAVE THE SAUCE THIS TIME You know etc, you done it thousands of times you little scanks you... WITH MEEEE! Still love ya though ;) I AM CAPTAAAAIN VAAAAA.... GIIIINAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!! Or Nero the Moral Man, works too, its not my superhero name anymore, because I saved the world like 10.000 times in secrecy (because I enter those red telephone boxes which are only in museums now) And I fought SEX LUTHOR! The femme fatale that thought she could ENDURE SEX LONGER THAN I! SHE WON! EVERYBODY WIIIIINS! EEEVERYOBODYY WIIIIIIISH! Well she used Dicktonite on me so it does not count, then I inserted my cock into the sun, and SHE GOT AN ORGAMS THAT SUCKED ALL MY... CCUUUUUUUUUUUUUUM Into her vagina and... Fuck I am gonna be a dad... NEEEEEVEEEEEER! Anyway, threats I am a thug, AND I AM GOING TO BECOME YOUR BITCH! DO YOU HEAR ME MASTER! YOUUUUR BITCH!

You think you so slick with all your digs at my small Asian penis, but you didn't think this one through because you are no match for my superior Asian brain! I read your IP, mwahaha! My Mac makes job like this no problem. Being Chinese means I am kung-fu, motherbitch, and I about to go all Bruce Lee on your ASS! You need to watch out who you order your chicken chow mein from, because when you hear the glass break, enter the dragon! I come through your window! Ha, we Chinese come up with genius plan for every occasion ... you think you pay me for take-out, but you actually pay me to beat you like little bitch! Do I still have small dick? Huh? I make you eat your own shit! Ho0o0o0o!

Now my name and fear it, I am Moral Man, your pages, I will spam them, destroy them, your comments will never be seen again! Your mother will get an heart attack from the nasty stuff I type, and then she will read another one... AND DIE! NOW AND FOREVER, I AM MORAL MAN!

Your mamma's so fat she has been called morbitally obese

I love you.... :D

I love you.... :D

I'm going to **** your **** with my **** you ****ing **** *** sucking **** ****** *** ***** and then ill rip you a new ******* you ******** I'm going to**** ****** ***** and **** in your cereal then **** *** ***** ****** **** ***** *** **** *****and *** *** ** **** ***** so hard you'll cry and ill **** your ***** **** weather you like it or not.. .


Electronic thug. A pale, pimple faced, skinny white kid who would most likely burn up if he came into contact with natural sunlight. Spends all of his time threatening people over the internet to compensate for his lack of a life and hatred of humanity for not accepting him.