For your information, asshole, I have seen a lion. And not one of your crap ass queen of the jungle homoerotic pussy-cat lions. A real lion, with fangs and horns and wings and shit. Don't pull your fucking weird ass african voodoo hypnosis crap on me when you don't even know wtf you're talking about. Watch the Brunette Babe spit it out on XERQ:

Bitch please. I'm apart of an organization of dangerous, so secret, and so elite that the only time you're ever going to hear about it is during the last few moments of your life while I cut your heart and eat it with some garlic and olive oil. I've hunted over a thousand dangerous game with my trusty .450 Dakota. Ever shot a truck sized target with a .450 Dakota, boy? That shit turns into pink mist. I could snap your neck without even touching you and your would stop in your tracks taking one look into my steely gaze. I'm just the pinnacle of godliness, so come at me.

DO NOT DRINK AND DRIVE OR YOU MIGHT SPILL THE DRINK. :D Source: Collection of Cool WhatsApp Status

Good Morning Quote Staqtus for Whatsapp

"If I ever see you on craiglist again...I'm going to make sure you never sell shit again online. I am sick and tired of phaggots like you posting shit on craiglist and when it comes down to selling shit, you flake. So listen here ASSCLOWN. If I ever see you advertise one more thing on here, I am going to personally find you and beat the living shit out of you. I'm going to make sure you have a reason not to sell shit on craiglist. You'll be in a wheelchair the rest of your life wondering where you went wrong. If I ever hear of you on better make sure you move states. Because if I find I said...I'll be sure to give you a reason not to make it to my doorstep with whatever it is you are selling ****.

Tonight when you sit down at your bed, or LIE down, you are going to feel something sharp hard and long up your ass... That is The PENIS!!! Of the Moral man! That makes me your bitch! Ps: Get lost kid, this message is for your mother/sister/sexy cousin/And all of those hotness whose clit I am going to pierce my name on WHY? BECAUSE YOU EXIST! THATS IT!.... NEROOOOOO!!!!!!!!


Electronic thug. A pale, pimple faced, skinny white kid who would most likely burn up if he came into contact with natural sunlight. Spends all of his time threatening people over the internet to compensate for his lack of a life and hatred of humanity for not accepting him.